
How to Do iHeartSpeak® Sessions



Why YOU need to learn this!

There are SO many great reasons to learn to do iHeartSpeak®….

Have you thought about offering HeartSpeak® (or HeartSpeak® Lite) sessions online but don’t know where to start? In this short course, Dr Anne Jensen, the Developer of HeartSpeak®, will tell you what you need to know.

Course Outline:

  • Why do iHeartSpeak® sessions? (internet HeartSpeak® – there are heaps of great reasons!)
  • Similarities & Differences compared to In-Person sessions
  • Ways to offer Remote Sessions & their Fundamentals
  • Overcoming Roadblocks & Difficulties
  • Plenty of Demonstrations & Practice

How to do iHeartSpeak® Sessions is one of the HeartSpeak® How-To Series of courses and is open to any HeartSpeak® Lite or HeartSpeak® Level 1 graduate. We know you’ll love this short course! Next, you may want to watch another course in this seriesHow to do Group HeartSpeak® Sessions – you’ll love this one too!

Haven’t taken any HeartSpeak® courses yet? Start HERE with HeartSpeak® Lite!