
Emotional stress can cause all kinds of symptoms – physical pain, digestive disorders, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and not reaching your potential. HeartSpeak® is a non-invasive stress reduction system, which is personal, private and very powerful. During a HeartSpeak® session, you will explore these undesired feelings – without having to describe, explain or rationalise them. That’s right – you do not need to TALK about your problems! An experienced HeartSpeak® practitioner will guide you through your emotional processing without your having to speak about your troubles or your past. The skeletons in your closet remain strictly confidential. And best of all, you will feel untethered and finally free.

Whether you are already a seasoned HeartSpeak® practitioner or have never had a HeartSpeak® session before (and are curious), perhaps it’s time to book an online consultation? If you’ve never had an online session before, you can book an obligation-free 30-minute trial for just £10. In addition, you can book single sessions or a series of sessions at an affordable rate.

Unwind your mind… and set your heart free!